Tuesday, 04/06/2013 | 08:25

PV Power Celeberates 6th Year Anniversary.

On May 17, 2013, Petrovietnam Power Corporation formally celebrated its 6th anniversary of corporation’s foundation atFlamingo Dai Lai Resort with the theme “PV Power Culture Day” .

PV Power Celeberates  6th Year Anniversary.

PV Power Celeberates 6th Year Anniversary.

On May 17, 2013, Petrovietnam Power Corporation  formally celebrated its 6th anniversary of corporation’s foundation atFlamingo Dai Lai Resort with the theme “PV Power Culture Day” .
Participating in the event was Mr. Do Chi Thanh – Chairman of Petrovietnam Power Corporation , Mr Vu Huy Quang President & CEO of Petrovietnam Power Corporation as well as all officers and staff menber at PV Power.
The cultureday is consisted of contests including the PV Power dance, display of  PV Power smile;  tug of war  and a movies of  company culture activities . Its aims were tohighlight the cultural features of Petrovietnam people and PV Power people .
On thisoccasion, the PV Power Mutual Aid was set up and received nearly 30 million VNDfrom the  attending donors to sponsor  PV Power’s staff of Difficult Circumstances. 
Some of photo are shownbelow:

Leaders of PV Power were cheered at the 6th anniversary.

Mr. Do Chi Thanh – Chairman of Petrovietnam Power Corporation expressed his gratitude to all  officers & staff menber on their efforts, great contribution to the successful of PV Power.

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