Petrovietnam Power Corporation just held a seminar on strategy on training and human resource development on 17 May 2011 in Hanoi. Mr Le Minh Hong, Vice General Director and other Heads of different divisions have participated in the seminar
Facing with the increasing demand of power industry, along with the strong support of the Government as well as Petrovietnam who have paid their great attentions to and who have facilitated the process of implementing the fundamental political responsibility which is the investing, building, producing and trading power resources. In order to achieve its set-forth goal, PV Power needs to have a group of staff who is as professional, unified, energetic, dedicated as that of countries in the region. Especially, being a young one who is working in the power sector, it is very important for PV Power to attract and to build up a group of staff who is capable, educational, political oriented, managerial mind as well as being fluent in foreign languages. Thus, PV Power needs to have a strategy on training and development of human resources which is in parallel with its strategy on trading, producing, strategy on management of human resourcesStrategy on training and human resource development of PV Power consists of the following:- Evaluating the reality of human resources- The result of training and human resources development- Strategy on development of Corporation- Strategy on training and human resources and development- Forecasting the demand of human resources and training- Orienting the training and human resources development during the period of 2010-2025- Organizing and implementing