Thứ sáu, 20/05/2011 | 08:28

Business Activity

Electric Power Industry • Manufacturing and trading in electric power; • Investing, building new independent electric power projects

Business Activity

Business Activity

Electric Power Industry
• Manufacturing and trading in electric power;
• Investing, building new independent electric power projects;
• Investing, building, developing electric power infrastructure, including investing, trading in complete high voltage, medium voltage and low voltage electrical networks, and selling industrial, consumer electricity;
• Investing, manufacturing electrical equipment, accessories, materials for the electric power and other industries.

Electrical Engineering Services
• Maintainance, service, and overhauling power plants, including equipment of main power house and other relevant sections.

Operating, supervising operation of power plants
• Advising on solutions in order to improve power plant performance, solutions to energy saving, new energy, renewable energy. Working out plans to optimize power generating efficiency of power plants.
• Forming and developing centers for inspecting, adjusting measuring instruments that accord to international standards and are licensed to conduct inspections and measurement, control stamping.
• Entering into partnership with foreign companies in order to carry out services for repairing, provision of materials and training.
• Executing construction and installation of transformer stations, transmission power lines, electrical networks, automatic control measurement system, water treatment system for industrial, civil, electric power projects.

Services for Electric Power Project Management and Work Consultancy
• Managing, working out investment projects; appraising investment projects; making project total estimate; appraising design and total estimate for civil, industrial, communication, hydropower, thermal, new energy and renewable energy projects.
• Advising on preparation of documents to invite construction and installation bidding, documents on civil, industrial, electric power project bidding, EPC biding invitation document.
• Advising on bidding, clean development mechanism (CMD) projects.
• Determining current status assign assessing cause of construction project accidents.
• Designing structures, mechanical structures; designing construction and installation of civil, industrial projects, infrastructure. Conducting geological, geodesic surveys. Supervising construction phase.

Trading Activities to Serve Electric Power Production and Business
• Importing-Exporting and trading in energy, fuel, equipment, materials, accessories for electric power production and business.
• Trading in machinery and equipment, materials, complete equipment and lines for the electric power industry. Importing, inventory storage equipment for the electric power industry.
• Researching, manufacturing and trading in electric equipment.

Research and Development of Atomic Electric Power and New Energy Sources
• Researching and applying the new advances and technologies to renewable energy projects such as Hydropower, Wind Power, Thermal Power, Solar Power, Atomic Power, etc.

Từ khóa: Mặc định

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